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Douji***** Claymore Ranma Featuring Rancolina Chan femdom torture humiliation bdsm demoness bdsm gore troll

Posted:2015-10-09 20:10
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:47.43 MiB
Length:14 pages
Favorited:20 times
Average: 0.66
This gallery has been replaced; tags can no longer be added on this version.

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

Douji***** Claymore Ranma Featuring Rancolina Chan femdom torture humiliation bdsm demoness bdsm gore troll, added 2015-10-10 18:17
Douji***** Claymore Ranma Featuring Rancolina Chan femdom torture humiliation bdsm demoness bdsm gore troll lamasticot stupid pigs stupid pigs stupid pigs stupid pigs :P, added 2015-10-14 20:51
Douji***** Claymore Ranma Featuring Rancolina Chan femdom torture humiliation demoness bdsm gore troll lamasticot monster pee donjon stupid pigs :P, added 2015-10-18 10:58
Douji***** Claymore Ranma Featuring Rancolina Chan femdom torture humiliation demoness bdsm gore troll lamasticot monster pee donjon stupid pigs :P, added 2015-10-25 21:26
Douji***** Claymore Ranma Featuring Rancolina Chan femdom torture humiliation demoness bdsm gore troll lamasticot monster pee donjon stupid pigs :P, added 2015-10-27 23:52
Doujin Claymore Ranma Featuring Rancolina Chan femdom torture humiliation demoness bdsm gore troll lamasticot monster pee donjon tentacles (work in progress), added 2015-11-01 19:20

Showing 1 - 14 of 14 images

Posted on 09 October 2015, 20:10 by:   11angenoir    PM
Uploader Comment
Well, this is the last comment I post, I'm not going in courtesy. I am very disappointed and very angry, against many members of the community, e-hentai. I know some are good laugh and take me for a childish guy, but I do not care. the attitude of some people is just deplorable and outrageous, I do, whether you are on the internet and on a hentai site, courtesy, respect, politeness, are valid everywhere. I have explained many times, that I am not a professional, but just a passionate amateur. I know perfectly well that my designs are far from being perfect, but decent enough for amateur work. I have no problem against a criticism or advice, but I demand some respect and courtesy, not just to say it's crap, your art is bad, you delete your gallery ... -you idea of ​​the work that screwy demand, make comics ??? screwy requires work and a relentless patience, especially as I do screwy outside my working hours, and sometimes goes almost sleepless nights. So it is very shocking and frustrating to see so many insults and ingratitude towards my work. work for which I do not ask for money, I offer free without patreon,and to compensate for my not perfect drawing, I do, good quality coloring. I found that I had about 75% of comments on my galleries, which are either frustrated haters, badly fucked either idiots to shit humor, so all such unnecessary comments that revolting. If I had had the opportunity, I can say I would have done like on deviant art, namely to block the comments. My one big mistake, and I'll take, I recognize that I should not have upset me so much, and lose my temper, and start making the troll, especially to some people, on les thatthe I confess I am a little hard, but they were well looked crap, and instead of calming the game, it added fuel to the fire. I believe that some people had to be raised in a stable, given the language and the mentality of pork, they express. So I thought a lot, and discussed with some people on the forums. From now on, I do not want, put me more at your level, you are pigs, and I do not throw pearls to pigs. I still post my work, it you like it or not, but I do not watch the comments, you do not deserve my attention.If you want to contact me you can send me a private message, I answer gladly, provided that it is written with politeness and courtesy, whether a criticism, a question, or encouragement, thank you bothered to read and understanding.

Bien, ceci est le dernier commentaire que je poste, je ne vais pas faire dans la courtoisie. Je suis très déçu, et très en colère, contre de nombreux membres de la communauté, e-hentai. Je sais que certains vont bien rigoler, et me prendre pour un type puéril, mais je m'en fiche. l'attitude de certaines personnes, est juste déplorable, et scandaleuse, je me fiche, que l'on soit sur internet, et sur un site hentai, la courtoisie, le respect, la politesse, sont valables partout. J'ai expliqué à de nombreuses reprises, que je ne suis pas un professionnel, mais juste un amateur passionné. Je sais parfaitement que mes dessins ne sont de loin pas parfaits, mais assez correct pour du travail amateur. Je n'ai aucun problème, contre une critique, ou conseil, mais je demande un minimum de respect et de courtoisie, et pas juste de dire : c'est de la merde, votre art est mauvais, supprimer votre gallerie... avez-vous la moindre idée du travail que çela demande, de faire des bandes dessinées ??? çela demande un travail et une patience acharnée, surtout que je fais çela en dehors de mes heures de travail, et passe parfois, presque des nuits blanches. Il est donc très révoltant, et frustrant, de voir autant d'insultes, et d'ingratitude envers mon travail. travail pour lequel, je ne demande pas d'argent, que j'offre gratuitement, sans patreon, et pour compenser mon dessin pas parfait, je fais, des coloriages de bonne qualité. J'ai constaté que j'avais environ 75% de commentaires sur mes galleries, qui sont soit des rageux frustrés, mal baisés, soit des idiots à l'humour de merde, donc tout des commentaires aussi inutiles, que révoltant. Si j'avais eu la possibilité, je peux dire que j'aurais fait comme sur déviant art, à savoir de bloquer les commentaires. Ma seule grosse faute, et je vais l'assumer, je reconnais que je n'aurais pas du m'énerver autant, et perdre mon sang-froid, et de commencer à faire le troll, en particulier envers certaines personnes, sur les-queles, j'avoue je me suis un peu acharné, mais ils on bien cherché la merde, et au lieu de calmer le jeu, on mis de l'huile sur le feu. Je considère que certaines personnes ont dû être élevés dans une étable, vu le language, et la mentalité de porc, qu'ils expriment. J'ai donc beaucoup réfléchi, et discuté avec certaines personnes sur les forums. A partir de maintenant, je ne veux plus, me mettre plus à votre niveau, vous êtes des porcs, et je ne jette pas de perles au porcs. Je continue de poster mon travail, que ça vous plaise ou non, mais je ne regarde plus les commentaires, vous ne méritez pas mon attention. Si vous souhaitez prendre contact avec moi, vous pouvez m'envoyer un message privé, je réponds volontier, à condition qu'il soit écrit avec politesse et courtoisie, que ce soit une critique, une question, ou un encouragement, merci d'avoir pris la peine de lire, et de votre compréhension.

Doujin que j'ai créer, en fesant un mélange entre Ranma et Claymore, avec ma protagoniste principale, Rancolina Chan, jeune fille, qui est la sosie de Ranma Chan, et mon antagoniste la cruelle Mistress demonesse, Tanya, art femdom, chantage, menaces de mort, humiliation, torture, un peu de gore, d'humour troll et malsain, et le grand classique, tentacules ...

Doujin that I created, making a mix between Ranma and Claymore, my main protagonist, Rancolina Chan, girl, which is the double of Ranma Chan, and my antagonist cruel Mistress demonesse, Tanya, femdom art, blackmail, death threats, humiliation, torture, a little gore, to troll and unhealthy humor, and classic, tentacles ...

(version française)

Quelque part, dans l'Europe du Moyen-âge, dans une région reculée et isolée dans une vallée. Rêgne d'une main de fer, une puissante démonesse, nommée Tanya. C'est une femme dont la puissance, n'a d'égal, que sa cruauté, fière et indépendante, elle s'est écartée des autres démons, et refuse de servir la cause, de l'un des trois abyssaux, et a forgé son propre royaume. Elle tiens les démons a distance des villagois, mais leur impose un terrible tribu, et ceux qui ne peuvent payer, sont massacrés sans pitié, la jeune Rancolina Chan, vit avec ses grands-parents, qui désormais âgés, et de plus en plus faibles, ne peuvent plus payer le tribu. La jeune fille, s'est proposée d'offrir ses services comme servante, et se rends au château, pour proposer sa demande ...

(Serviteur demon)
Mistress Tanya, cette jeune fille, est venue se présenter au château. Elle insiste, pour vous parler, c'est au sujet du tribu, elle dit qu'elle a une proposition à vous faire.

(Mistress Tanya)
Bien, faites là entrer, et fermer les portes, je ne veux pas être dérangée, quand à toi jeune fille, j'espère que tu ne m'as pas dérangée pour rien, présente toi, et dis-moi ce que tu veux !

(Rancolina Chan)
Elle ... elle est vraiment impressionnante, elle me fait peur, mais je dois être courageuse.

Je... je suis désolée de vous déranger, je me nomme Rancolina Chan, si je suis venue, c'est à cause de mes grands-parents, nous vivons seuls, et comme ils sont âgés, ils sont de plus en plus faibles, et ne peuvent plus travailler comme les autres villagois, çela devient impossible de payer votre tribu, c'est pourquoi je vous propose de devenir votre servante, pour vous payer. Je sais faire plein de choses, je sais faire la cuisine, le ménage, la lessive, l'agriculture, je suis une fille obéissante et discrete. S'il vous plaît maitresse, ayez pitié pour mes grands-parents, ils sont ma seule famille.

(Mistress Tanya)
Comme, c'est amusant, qu'est ce qui t'as fait croire que j'avais besoins d'une servante, et franchement, tu t'est regardée ? tu semble si misérable et pouilleuse, comment as-tu pû croire que j'accepterais, une telle demande, je me moque de tes grands-parents, si vous ne pouvez pas payer, je ne vois pas pourquoi, je vous épargnerais !

Eh bien que ce passe-t-il ? Tu est toute tremblante, et tu as le visage tout pâle, en plus d'être moche, et misérable, tu m'as l'air, d'une vraie froussarde, que veux-tu que je fasse d'une servante, aussi inutile ? Hu, hu, hu

(Rancolina Chan)

N... non, je... je n'ai pas peur... je ... je suis courageuse, et ... très bonne travailleuse.

(Mistress Tanya)

Oh vraiment ? Comment-ose tu me mentir ! Tu empeste la peur à des kilomètres, je déteste qu'on me mente, et qu'on me manque de respect, surtout de la part, d'une misérable chienne, nous allons voir, si tu vas encore jouer les malignes ...

Bien, bien, bien, quelle mort je vais t'infliger, mmmmh, que-vais-je découper en premier, tes petits bras, tes jolies jambes, ou juste m'amuser à t'éventrer, et voir tes intestins glisser, sur le sol ? Que vas-tu faire, me supplier comme une larve en t'agenouillant par terre ?

(Rancolina Chan)
N... non, vous n'êtes pas sérieuse, pi... pitié, je ... je ne voulais pas vous offenser, je ... je vous en prie.

(Mistress Tanya)
Je suis très sérieuse, petite idiote, et après je dévorerais, tes entrailles

(Rancolina Chan)
Non ! pitié non, je vous en supplie, je ferais tout ce que vous voudrez, je serais votre esclave, vous pouvez faire de moi tout ce que vous voulez !

Je ne veux pas mourir ! je ne veux pas mourir !

(Mistress Tanya)
Eh bien, çela fait longtemps que je n'avais pas autant rigolé, ma parole, je n'avais encore jamais rencontré de fille aussi froussarde et pleurnicheuse, tu est vraiment une chienne, amusante.

Bien, j'ai changé d'avis, je vais te donner une chance, si tu est une esclave docile, et bien obeissante, je m'engage à peût-être t'épargner toi, et tes grands-parents, mais tu devra faire tout ce que je te dis, bien compris, chienne pleurnicheuse.

(Rancolina Chan)
Oui... oui maîtresse, je suis votre esclave, je ferais tout ce que vous voudrez, je vous le promet

(Mistress Tanya)
Mmmm, j'aime te voir ramper à quatre pattes, comme une petite chienne, à mes pieds, maintenant répète, ce que tu dois dire à ta mistresse, pleurnicheuse.

(Rancolina Chan)
Oui... oui, mistress, je... je suis une sale petite chienne, une pauvre petite merde, qui pleurniche comme un bébé, s'il vous plaît, punnissez-moi, humilier-moi, insulter-moi, je ... je suis une fille moche, stupide et inutile, punissez ma sale petite chatte, et mon sale petit cul, Mistress.

(Mistress Tanya)
Très, bien, et maintenant, lèche mes bottes, esclave !

Oui comme ça, léche, léche, comme un chien, tu aime ça, pas vrai, sale petite chienne !

(Mistress Tanya)
Bien, bien, mais regardez-moi ça, tu m'as à peine lécher les bottes, et tu est déjà toute mouillée, ça t'excite autant d'être une petite chienne. Ma parole, tu cache bien ton jeu, tu est une vraie petite cochonne, alors esclave, tu veux que je punnisse ta sale petite chatte ?

(Rancolina Chan)
Oui... oui Mistress, je ... je suis une sale petite cochonne, j'adore être votre petite chienne, s'il vous plaît, punissez ma sale petite chatte.

(Mistress Tanya)
Tu aime mes griffes, sur ton clitoris, incroyable comme tu mouille, tu aime que je te punisse, pas vrai ? vilaine petite chienne.

(Rancolina Chan)
Oui Mistress j'aime ça, s'il vous plait, punissez moi, punissez ma sale petite chatte, je suis une vilaine chienne.
Posted on 08 September 2015, 00:43 by:   i8246i    PM
Score +196
Coming soon? How about never!
Posted on 08 September 2015, 15:35 by:   Lunatic Bob    PM
Score +275
Take the hint you bad joke of an artist.
Posted on 10 September 2015, 16:29 by:   me-dea    PM
Score +152
Sorry but you must be delusional if you think your "work" is any good.
Posted on 05 October 2015, 11:39 by:   negavamas    PM
Score +173
Ok, besides the point that your art is not good, (because it isn't) what's up with those text boxes? They are huge yet the font size is so tiny is unreadable.
Posted on 05 October 2015, 14:27 by:   lovehcomics    PM
Score +71
So much potential, but not my cup of tea. These comments are really getting out of hand.
Posted on 05 October 2015, 18:15 by:   kasumi23    PM
Score +47
"civilized person"

civilized person in a page full of porn ay lmao
Posted on 05 October 2015, 23:33 by:   Btech Thor    PM
Score +105
ok, even tho this gallery is poorly made I did get a good giggle from it..... mostly camer here to see the posts about it., also , the poster said doing last comment post , like 3 or 4 times in past... still re-upping this
Last edited on 19 October 2015, 10:38.
Posted on 06 October 2015, 03:17 by:   away1213    PM
Score +244
Look, do not ask surprised when people hate on your terrible stuff. If you want to draw stuff for yourself go ahead, but when its posted on a public forum you better be prepared for the criticism. Also its just... really shit.
Posted on 06 October 2015, 13:48 by:   negavamas    PM
Score +318
Look man, none of us can draw shit, that's true, but that doesn't mean we can't critcise other people's work. Forget about the people who just insult to insult, don't get on their level.
Your art is just not good, there is no way around that, maybe in a couple of years you draw like a real professional, but not now. Also check the speech bubbles and the font size, seriously, work on that too. And don't include tags in the title.
Posted on 06 October 2015, 16:07 by:   away1213    PM
Score +113
ok this guy is apparently a troll or a literal bridge troll but i will give him his bait anyway. Images 10 and 11 the clitoris is upside down. That pretty much sums up why you are shit. I assume 11 is your age? because even middle school sex ed teaches you basic anatomy. Seriously are you even human?

Yea he edited the gallery. Still fun to feed trolls tho. I mean, how do you even make that mistake?
Last edited on 06 October 2015, 21:51.
Posted on 06 October 2015, 16:23 by:   negavamas    PM
Score +76
My not so dear 11angeoir, what is up with that huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu. What, answer me, my life won't be completed if you don't!!
By the way, "die with a cancer" is so 2014, get on with the times shitty artist. No wait, I have to be polite........

My not so dear artist, I hope something bad and painful happens to your hands and can't write and draw anything else, not even with a keyboard, so we don't have to feel ashamed to say, ``Yes, it was unfortunate but we commented on that person's gallery´´.

(Not) With love: negavamas
P.S.: The font size is still too small.
P.S.S.: Your art is still not good.
Posted on 06 October 2015, 18:35 by:   Gerhet    PM
Score +60
Okay calm down buddy, what away1213 is perfectly correct, considering he posted it on a version of this gallery where you hadn't replaced the images with more anatomically correct ones. It's still possible to see and verify on the old ones.
Posted on 06 October 2015, 20:26 by:   negavamas    PM
Score +61
Don't sweat it Gerhet, he will just insult anyways, he just wants his little piece of attention.
Posted on 07 October 2015, 02:11 by:   NamelessFace    PM
Score +7
I wanted more Claymore stuff, but not like this! Shame on you! Shame on you!
Posted on 07 October 2015, 08:55 by:   Ayasesama    PM
Score +147
@ 11angenoir
I gave this half a star, not because of the arts (it's average, I've seen worst) but mainly because of the artist's 'holier-than-thou' attitude. There's one artist here (i forgot the name), he starts out with pencil sketches, the story is clear (incest love between son and mom);he asked for criticisms and TAKES IT LIKE A TRUE ARTIST SHOULD. And what happen later?In each updates, his arts are getting better and better, and even got 4 stars if i recall.

You can be a both a dick AND an asshole if you're actually good, either in the art or story (heck, just look at Shin-Chan. Is the art a seller?).
Posted on 07 October 2015, 10:48 by:   Ayasesama    PM
Score +170
"I offer good coloring, good layout, dialogues, stories and popular"...You see, all of your comment is about YOU-the artist, not about US, the reader. Are you making this for your own enjoyment or the reader?If the first, then screw what the others say, but if it's the later, the LISTEN to what they say about it...since they're your reader. And of all places, you choose a hentai site for 'constructive criticism' ? Granted, there are some good fellows here, the you can see. Good thing you're not posting it on any -chan board...You'll wish you can strangle them. Stick to deviant art or other, if you want a better one.

Really, i don't criticize your arts, stories etc. It's your personality that somehow turned 180 degree. Just look at your comments on your previous galleries. Although those got one stars, you handle it better, you even handle a troll politely. But this gallery?...Do i need to point out which one?
Last edited on 07 October 2015, 11:04.
Posted on 09 October 2015, 22:25 by:   Seyser Koze    PM
Score +64
Why are you pretending to be French?
Posted on 09 October 2015, 22:48 by:   Ayasesama    PM
Score +85
If i have to make a quote from SCP Foundation's page ('s the "Special Snowflakes" one.
Posted on 10 October 2015, 17:43 by:   atomicpuppy    PM
Score +35
Good morning, do not take this the wrong way, your art is not bad, even pretty good, but there is a concern with the picture # 3, I think it would be better to increase the font .
Posted on 11 October 2015, 01:51 by:   Wrecking    PM
Score +109
dude just
improve your art
and then you post this stuff
shit it looks like everyone has a pompadour hair in all of your stuff
practice some more, man
Posted on 11 October 2015, 02:19 by:   rambo voller    PM
Score +139
Omelette au fromage.
Posted on 11 October 2015, 04:14 by:   away1213    PM
Score +66
I kinda thought this guy was some troll having fun pretending to be an idiot, but i am starting to think he actually believes what he says. I honestly wonder what kind of people do this stuff. Like, what does this guy do in real life? Does he have a job and attacks anyone who gives him any shit? Do his friends and family know about his "art"? Does he even HAVE friends or is he some kind of shut in? It would be almost interesting to investigate if it didn't keep interfering with my porn.
Posted on 15 October 2015, 01:40 by:   The Goat is Watching    PM
Score +182
" You are pigs, and I do not throw pearls to pigs."

No, you throw shitty artwork at them.
Posted on 18 October 2015, 13:07 by:   Ignitation    PM
Score +18
Hmm, You already spoke whats in my mind about your art pretty much every single one. Yes, Your art was not very appealing to the eyes or to be adorn in any angle at all. But as a fellow artist I admired your for the will and intention to brought whatever you want out much likely. Still, You need a lot of work in practicing and distilled your "desire" into a "strong determination" for even a better art work.

Cheer Matey!!
Posted on 20 October 2015, 01:19 by:   okimo    PM
Score -17
Idea and Story is kinda good but that drawing is horrible ;_;
Posted on 21 October 2015, 03:17 by:   The Goat is Watching    PM
Score +224
"I know some are good laugh and take me for a childish guy, but I do not care."

You obviously do, for posting this.

How about, Instead of ranting at people for being harsh about the quality of your work, you focus on your art and come back to us when you've had a bit more practice?

People aren't just downvoting your work because they want to fuck with you. We think your work is no good, that is all. That's how voting systems work.

You can type all you want about how unfair you think we all are, it's not going to change anything.

No one's going to suddenly start liking your drawings because of how much indignant bullshit you type at us.
Posted on 28 October 2015, 00:59 by:   SwordFight9000    PM
Score +80
There is only one word that can describe this.. this.. material???

Posted on 28 October 2015, 03:59 by:   l4chuga    PM
Score +34
As others have said, you definitely need to practice your art. I can tell there was a lot of cut and paste work done too because a lot of the body work looks identical in other panels. When it's that noticeable, it makes the product look like crap over all.
Posted on 28 October 2015, 04:43 by:   escaper    PM
Score +46
Huh, can't tag character:kingseeker frampt.

Gne Gne Gne indeed.
Last edited on 02 November 2015, 04:48.
Posted on 28 October 2015, 18:30 by:   elgringo    PM
Score +124
Thanks God we have japanese artists for fan works.
Posted on 02 November 2015, 00:50 by:   devo tronic    PM
Score +0
all aspects of your art need a lot more work,I've seen worse, keep practising and you will get better.

Try to understand that most of these comments are actually trying to help you become a better artist.
Posted on 06 November 2015, 06:14 by:   Comrade Claus    PM
Score +41
that title sounds like something from adult swim, like the aqua teen movie title, or something from metalocalypse

but from the comments, is this guy an aspie?

if so, to encyclopedia dramatica with him!
Posted on 07 November 2015, 01:27 by:   Baladesh    PM
Score +6
Please, for the love of all that is deviant
do not argue with him, it will just make him reupload this shit.
Posted on 07 November 2015, 19:25 by:   Ayasesama    PM
Score +29

He finally snaps, guys. Leave the poor sod alone...

I have to gogotranslate your comments...But, yeah, i agree.
Last edited on 07 November 2015, 20:24.
Posted on 07 November 2015, 20:19 by:   Eiri    PM
Score +95
C'est pour faire quoi toutes ces virgules?
Alors deux choses:
D'abord, c'est mauvais. L'anatomie est mauvaise, l'écriture est mauvaise, les expressions sont mauvaises. Rien à voir avec l'auteur ni la communaute, ce travail est simplement et objectivement mauvais.
Ensuite, ta réaction face à la critique. Tu peux soit la prendre à coeur, améliorer ce qui peut l'être tout en gardant ce que tu estimes suffisament travaillé. L'autre option, c'est de la prendre de travers, comme une insulte, et te complaire dans la médiocrité, convaincu que les autres ont de la merde dans les yeux alors que t'as de la merde dans les mains..
Dis ce que tu veux de la communauté, mais ta mentalité rend tout progrès impossible.
Bref, t'as encore du boulot. Du papier, des crayons, on se revoit dans 10 ans.
Posted on 07 November 2015, 20:39 by:   dokushokai    PM
Score +66
''MY BEST WORK YET''... i cant even imagine the worst one
Posted on 04 December 2015, 13:34 by:   Morgan_Maximara    PM
Score +17
Well that was...ugh. First the whole anime characters as actors in another story trope is hard to pull off and this person drops the ball completely. Second, the pacing is way too fast. Third, that styled text is a pain to read and should really not be used. As for the artstyle compared to some of of the commercial stuff (you ever SEEN the original Sailor Moon art? The girls have strange proportions that reminds me of Aron Flux) it is average. Finally, this artist seems to jump around never really finishing a story.

As for his little temper tantrum, well that got removed from here.
Posted on 04 December 2015, 23:14 by:   thevoles    PM
Score +45

If you want a good laugh, this artist made a long rant about how it's not fair people hate his "art"

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